Flip & Fix Loans

Easily get into flipping real estate with a fix & flip loan to cover the renovation costs. This short-term financing option is an excellent way to increase your property earning potential with minimal outlay.

 Our fix & flip loans provide real estate investors with the capital needed to purchase, renovate, and sell a property for profit.

There are various types of these, from those that use your primary residence as collateral to hard money loans for those who’re unable to secure alternative financing. Fix & flip loans are “interest-only” agreements, meaning that the monthly repayments are kept to a minimum. The basic premise is that you find a house or multi-family property that needs some work—perhaps cosmetic or more serious, structural elements—take out a short-term financial agreement (AKA, a fix & flip loan), get the work done, and sell the property on. The loan amount is then subtracted from the final sale price and whatever is left over is profit.

How Fix & Flip Loans Work

The amount borrowed generally can’t exceed 75% of the ARV. This can be made up of anything up to 90% of the purchase price and 100% of the refurbishment / remodeling / renovation costs. There are two elements of a fix & flip loan—the purchase and the rehab.
Whichever type of fix & flip loan you go for, an evaluation of the ARV (after repair value) will be made. This, along with the purchase price, are the two most important factors that lenders will evaluate.

The purchase phase: Find your property and submit your application to an appropriate lender. You’ll need proof of income, how your deposit is to be funded, and various other documentation that we’ll advise you of when you first enquire. Very importantly, you’ll need to provide us with a business plan that details the various phases of the renovation and expenses involved. This is called the Scope of Work (SOW). 

The rebab phase: Once work commences, the funds are released to cover the first phase as detailed in your SOW. As each phase is completed, you then draw down further costs from the loan. We’ll send out an inspector to oversee the finish of each stage before approving the money for the next phase. This way, you work through each rehab systematically until completion.

Ready to get started?

Let’s do this. The next step starts here. Give us a call or email to get a no obligation quote for your next project or just send us a message and a BRRRR professional will reach out to you.

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What type of property can I fund with a fix & flip loan?
How much can I borrow with a fix & flip loan?
What can I use a fix & flip loan for?
Do I need a good credit rating for a fix & flip loan?
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